think about后面跟动词例句的相关图片

think about后面跟动词例句

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think about+动词ing咋造句的造3句话

My mom is always thinking about buying a new house.


I thinking about going to Japan for vacation

think和think of的用法区别在哪里?

但是,说「考虑」,一般用think about,例如:I will think about the plan, and see if it is feasible (我会考虑...

think of和think about的区别是什么?

①I think of a great idea. 我想出了一个好主意。②I kept thinking about what happened last night. 我一直在想...

think about 后接动词的什么时态?

think about 后接动词不是指时态而是指使用动词的形式,在介词后面要用动词的现在分词形式也就是V-ing形式

为什么I will think about it中it跑后面去了呢

放在中间。如果是名词副词后或前都对。动词+介词,后接宾语,不管是名词还是代词,都是放在介词后面。因为,这是介词宾语。think about it:about是介词;think ov...


1、请分别介“think of”、“think about”、“think over”的含义及用法。答:think about和think of这两个短语表示“考虑”、“对……有某种看法”时,可以互换...

英语中的我认为 I think 后面加动词时用什么形式?是

think 在作为一个动词时,后常接名词(宾语)或从句,若后跟动词,动词应为名词形式,且 think 常为不及物动词,后跟介词后再接名词。(词根为动词形式)。例:(1)...

yourself thinkabout用法对吗?

不对,可以改为:You think about it, 或者: Think about it by yourself.因为yourself 是You 的宾格形式,不能做主语。

可为什么try on是动词副词词组,think about就是动词

about sth,而非think sth about由此知道是动介结构 1)动副结构(即动词+副词)A作及物动词 例:He brought up his children strictly.B作不及物动词 例:Somethi...

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